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Kitchens Archives - Page 4 of 4 - A detAiled House


Smart Little Laundry Rooms

A small space takes above average creativity. With a large space, things can be put in willy-nilly and without much thought. That is just not the case if you live in a city or a smaller and/or older home. The placement of a washer and dryer is one of those things that takes some thought. A laundry room just may not exist, so it’s going to have to be tucked ...

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Courtney Cox’s Modern Malibu Manse

Courtney Cox recently moved from a house that she adored because it was level with a public beach and she couldn’t even go for a walk without pictures being taken. The home, designed by famed architect John Lautner, was “futuristic”, “modern” and, according to Cox, “the most amazing place I’ve ever lived in.” (See bottom for details on the house.) But, the silver-lining in all this is that she got to buy and ...

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Clive Christian Kitchens

Clive Christian is a fabulous cabinet manufacturer – a very, very high-end cabinet manufacturer that focuses on details like no other. Their millwork is so impeccable that their cabinets with the Edwardian style and the preponderance of moldings transcend kitchens and enter the realm of libraries, bathrooms and closets. Since I didn’t want to drop $250,000 just for cabinets in my kitchen, I studied one of their designs, picked it apart and based my ...

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Patterned Stained Floors

I think I have a DIY ADD (Do-It-Yourself Attention & Daylight Deficient). There are only so many hours in the Week month that I can work on house projects, but my mind is running constantly – and there are SO many projects and rooms that I want to do … with the list growing 😉 (Plus, I’m not one to pull the trigger unless I’ve thoroughly researched the possibilities.) You may remember ...

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How To Make a Child-Size Table

With two little ones, the need for a child’s table was needed for many reasons, but came in handy for more occasions than I imagined when I made it…   It was a tea party’s table’s table for my toddler, keeping her occupied while I cleaned and vacuumed. She frequently opted for a more casual attire of cat ears and footie pajamas despite a rack of dressier clothes behind her 🙂   It periodically got ...

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