
Hand Rails for a Special Needs Child

The other day, I received an email from a mother that read: “I love all of your blogs and creative ideas and I’m wondering what thoughts you would have for designing a room, specifically a bathroom for a special needs child. My daughter is 12 and she’s special needs (mild cerebralpalsy [sic]). She gets around good but does not have as much strength in her body as a child without special needs. ...

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Clawing for a Clawfoot Tub

I’ve seen some pretty unique things, but when I stumbled upon this, I did a double take. I think I’ve made it well known that I love all things old and historic ….but sometimes they do need a facelift and this was pretty ingenious: So if you have an old tub lying around and would like to do something with it, this may be the idea you’ve been waiting for. To achieve ...

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Prince of Darkness

Ozzy Osbourne’s house was put up for sale several months ago, which gives us a look inside his house, designed by Sharon Osbourne’s favorite designer, author, and star of the one time show Million Dollar Decorators, Martyn Lawrence-Bullard. I don’t know what their house looked like in the height of Ozzy’s fame, but this is a far cry from what I would expect, although if you watched the MTV show, The Osbournes, ...

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Bathroom Floors of River Rock

You may or may not have noticed in my last post a comment thread between me and a reader about her shower. She is updating her bathroom and had a few questions, so I wanted to show her some pictures to (hopefully) give her some ideas 🙂 Right now, I’m going to address the flooring, as she is contemplating river rock. When people hear river rock, sometimes an image is conjured up ...

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Natural Rock Bathtubs

Natural materials, which I adore, are very prevalent in design, so I thought I’d show you some bathtub made from a single rock that range from formal and carved to untouched and natural-looking. It probably goes without saying, but because of the materials’ durability –  and with proper care – they can be used outside as well. Carved granite by Carved Stone Creations. Limestone by AMLink. Marble by Amlink. Prices for these tubs ...

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