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Kids Archives - A detAiled House



How To Get Started In Online Gaming

Online gaming encompasses a wide variety of genres, ranging from first-person shooters to huge online role-playing game sites. Online gaming has many other benefits than entertainment. It can help you relax, socialize, and improve your problem-solving skills. It improves memory, cognitive function, and overall hand-eye coordination. What is it? Online gaming is a method of playing video games on platforms such as https://gameboost.com/wr/win-boost. It can be played on a console, computer, or mobile ...

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Colorful, Customizable T-Shirts

Little did I realize when I started blogging just how much it would help me and how fabulous and close this community is. I want to thank everyone for such kind comments on my last post. To take the time – your time – and offer comfort to someone that you have never even met is nothing short of amazing. It means so much to me, but it is taking me a while to address ...

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White Walls: Sumptuous, Intentional and … (wait for it) … Cozy?!?!

In the comment section of another post, a reader asked about white walls – do I love them or hate them? I actually do not have any white walls in my house, but I do have many neutrals. As I told her, I have been in many houses where it was painfully apparent that it was the builder’s white and the rooms felt cold, undone and uninviting, despite residing there for years… and I’ve ...

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Halloween Treats for Your Sweets

Halloween parties….I have two children, which means two classroom parties. So what goodies to bring for the little ghouls? I’m not a rookie at this, but I feel a little bit of pressurefor some “shock and awe”. Last year, my youngest was in preschool at a Montessori school that didn’t have classroom parties. But now, she’s at her big sister’s school, so I need to bring out the big guns. Here’s ...

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DIY Baby Sleeping Sign

My older brother, the City Mouse, and his wife had a baby two months ago, which they yearned for – they had been trying for many, many years …with many, many bumps along the way So it was truly glorious that this pregnancy went to term. In addition to some presents, I wanted them to have something from me that wasn’t bought or manufactured, so I set out to ...

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