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Halloween Treats for Your Sweets

Halloween Treats for Your Sweets

Halloween parties….I have two children, which means two classroom parties. So what goodies to bring for the little ghouls? I’m not a rookie at this, but I feel a little bit of pressurefor some “shock and awe”. Last year, my youngest was in preschool at a Montessori school that didn’t have classroom parties. But now, she’s at her big sister’s school, so I need to bring out the big guns. Here’s what I’ve been looking at:

Hmmm. Brains never looked so appetizing

A skull that even Dr. Leakey would have appreciated!! Cocoa powder gives the just-excavated, dirty look, which can be dusted on with a paint brush. Candy molds can be found in craft stores or online. These are fun to munch on while playing some fun and interactive sports betting games via ufabet168s.

If your are in the NYC area, you can buy these at Bond Street Chocolate (although they are not on Bond Street, but on East 4th Street.)

Also on Etsy is Nicole’s Treats, but if we are going that route, why not just buy a skull mold and melt some chocolate ourselves – and don’t forget to dust some cocoa powder on some! The green ones are just white chocolate with green food dye.

Some great DIY ideas:

Worms! And realistic ones that we can make and eat!! You need:

  • 2 packs (3 oz) red jello
  • 1 pkg unflavored gelatin (for extra firmness)
  • 1/4 cup whipping cream
  • 3 cups boiling water *
  • 15 drops green food coloring
  • 100 flexible straws (or enough to fill your container)
  • Tall container to hold the straws upright and close together (1 quart carton of milk)

* Adult party? Introduce some Vodka

  • Make Jello like normal, let it cool until it’s tepid, add cream and dye.
  • Pull out the the flex straws and fit them tightly in container, fill with Jello mixture.
  • Let set overnight (it takes longer for this to set than normal Jello)
  • Remove worms by running under warm water or squeezing out with a rolling pin

Here are more detailed instructions. Even though the directions says 3/4 of a cup cream, it hasn’t worked out with so much cream, which is why I said 1/4.

Goody bags to fill with what ever trick or treat you desire…

Some easier treats…

Pretzel sticks with miniature marshmallows covered in white chocolate make nice bones.

Two bundt cakes + orange frosting+ fondant leaves and stem = pumpkin cake. This might be the winner.

Almond slivers, uncooked sugar cookie dough rolled into the shapes of fingers and cinnamon or cocoa sprinkled for shading….very, no, strike that, TOO realistic!

If you are skilled in the kitchen, then maybe a coconut kiwi panna cotta with a raspberry coulis. If so, the recipe can be found here. The genius part of the recipe, and what reallypulled it together, was the making of clear gelatin lenses that cover the eye and give it the glossy, “freshly-plucked” eyeball appearance.

How fun would this be to serve your family as a dessert?? But, of course, the OCD side of me would be driven crazy if I didn’t serve a pair of eyes  But (for me) it’s too labor intensive for the iffy, chicken-nugget-loving, it’s-new-so-I-don’t-need-to-taste-it-to-know-that-I-hate-it-already palette of kindergartners 

I really do love the classroom parties and making them special for this short period in their lives where they are so thrilled by these things!

Have a great day!!

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