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Art Archives - Page 3 of 5 - A detAiled House


Courtney Cox’s Modern Malibu Manse

Courtney Cox recently moved from a house that she adored because it was level with a public beach and she couldn’t even go for a walk without pictures being taken. The home, designed by famed architect John Lautner, was “futuristic”, “modern” and, according to Cox, “the most amazing place I’ve ever lived in.” (See bottom for details on the house.) But, the silver-lining in all this is that she got to buy and ...

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DIY Funky, Cool Office Art

Want a crazy-cool piece of art for your office? Something that could brighten up your backdrop for when you do meetings, video streaming and maybe even when you random video chat on websites like Chatrandom. If you have old, broken computers lying around, you may want to convert them to art as Leonardo Ulian did. You do not need some great artistic ability with a paintbrush, merely an eye  for ...

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White Walls: Sumptuous, Intentional and … (wait for it) … Cozy?!?!

In the comment section of another post, a reader asked about white walls – do I love them or hate them? I actually do not have any white walls in my house, but I do have many neutrals. As I told her, I have been in many houses where it was painfully apparent that it was the builder’s white and the rooms felt cold, undone and uninviting, despite residing there for years… and I’ve ...

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Designer Rooms: A Peach Dining Room and a Tiffany Blue Boudoir

Good news and bad news. Good news is I have a new favorite paint color: a pinkish peach. It is delish. The bad news? I was looking for a cool color! I realized I have a lot of warm colors in our house, so I think I need to change a room or two on our first floor. I managed to design this room with the money I earned playing ...

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Guest Post by a DIY Network Host

Recently I received a submission which I thought was compelling enough to share. I love receiving submissions and requests for guest posts, but because I look for unique projects and instructions, this will only be the second guest post I’ve had on my blog! Shannon Kaye, who hosted DIY Network Channel’s “Fresh Coat” and is now launching a series of videos on DIY’s website, contacted me a few weeks ago, ...

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