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Designer Rooms: A Peach Dining Room and a Tiffany Blue Boudoir

Designer Rooms: A Peach Dining Room and a Tiffany Blue Boudoir

Good news and bad news. Good news is I have a new favorite paint color: a pinkish peach. It is delish. The bad news? I was looking for a cool color! I realized I have a lot of warm colors in our house, so I think I need to change a room or two on our first floor. I managed to design this room with the money I earned playing simple and interactive betting games, กดที่นี่.

But peach…it’s just scrumptious! On Friday, I did a post on part of interior designer Kelee Kadillac’s apartment, but only showed you a portion of her apartment because it was quite a bit to take in. Here is the rest, starting with her yummy dining room:

Orange and pink is a “hot” color combination right now.

The House Beautiful’s pic looks more pink.

But here (from the designer’s website) the room looks more peachy…

Under the chair rail, a quatrefoil pattern has been used. It may be fabric, seeing how many of the walls have been upholstered, but it could be wallpaper. A less expensive alternative? A stencil. There are spectacular ones available online too – ones that are very unique and can be used to repeat the pattern on a rug, shower curtain, piece of furniture, lamp shade, throw pillow, etc.

Mixing and matching the colors with the table settings and a close-up view of the table, which is rustic, and something that could be acquired on the cheap, yet is here in what is considered an “upscale” room. It shows that with careful thought, studying a room and planning, you can recreate a inexpensively.

One place to look is estate sales, where china and crystal (cut crystal, which is more valuable and reflective – not pressed crystal with the dull edges that even Waterford does today to reap the most profit…they even closed their Waterford factory in 2009 and outsourced it!!!) is usually being unloaded as formal dining has fallen by the wayside. Gorgeous pieces of furniture can be acquired there too, but the good estate sales will be staked out by antique dealers looking to snipe the best pieces…and they get there early! Warning: it could take time and patience, though, to score some of the items for your room, but isn’t it worth it??

Oh, my…you’ve seen my dining room, which is a burnt sienna color. Now, I’m wondering if I could pull off this color in the room. I’ll have to take a look at the rug and the accessories I have.

The drapes look very full and the rods, which do not go the length of the window, are hung from the ceiling.

A better look at the quatrefoil pattern…

Little silhouettes in little frames tied to the shutter knobs.

The detailing on the drapes is subtle, which makes it that much more appealing. And I think this is the same armoire that was painted grey in the House Beautiful photo shoot of her living room from my prior post.

Huh. I don’t know what I think of matching the picture mats to the wall color…maybe it’s this wall color, or I’d need to see it in person, or it seems too matchy? I don’t know…it’s a neat idea though. Maybe if she’d done it a shade lighter or darker?

The elephant pillow is adorable! And that is a small bed for two people! They must not have dogs! Oh, or kids!!

Greek key frieze

on either side of the panel.

Neoclassical design.

Pretty, what look to be antique (or very good reproductions) sconces.

A crystal empire chandelier and more shutters, more inspiration for me

There are a lot of sconces in this room…

and too many a lot of pictures….and accessories. I mean, one should be able to put their feet up on an ottoman

No shutters, but a spectacular fabric fashioned into a shade from which where she pulled her colors. The chest, the chair and the table look like they could have been found or acquired randomly (flea market, Craigslist, etc.) as none of it goes together – it’s just a hodgepodge of styles – but with the right layout, it can work. Just remember to try to keep the other “noise” to a minimum with competing styles.

I started off my post with “good news/bad news”, which reminds me of my brother, the City Mouse and a little funny I’d like to share with you. A few years ago, he brought his citified (rescue) dog with him while visiting me. My brother just let him out, figuring it would be fun for him to romp in our yard for a bit. After a ten minutes or so, I called his dog to bring him in.

That’s when I went to get my brother and asked him, “Do you want good news or bad news” He opted for the bad news first.

I said, “Your dog rolled in deer poop.”

City mouse said, “Well, what’s the good news?”

I said, “The good news is: it’s not my dog!” Then, I laughed my head off…Even he had to laugh

Let’s hope you have a better day than City Mouse did that day

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