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Children's Rooms Archives - Page 2 of 6 - A detAiled House

Children’s Rooms

Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

Not having any boys, it would take a lot of thought for me to design a boy’s room, but I have at least two readers that I know of who have three boys! So after spending a little time on girls’ rooms, I wanted to give the boys some attention too. I’ve selected pictures ranging from rooms from whimsical to classic. But first, my dream room: This room is beyond luxurious! The dark, moody ...

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My DIY Carpet Tiles

If you saw my post Pretty in Pink, you saw the the interior design I did for my daughter’s room, which included architectural details and carpet tiles that I made. Since our second floor is hardwood, when I started planning the design, I searched for rugs, but I couldn’t find whimsical rugs in the sizes that I needed for her bedroom and sitting room. This turned my search to carpet ties, which ...

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Garden Games

With summer coming up and two little girls to entertain and keep mentally engaged, I am always on the prowl for fun games. Kerry of AZ Soap contacted me through my submissions page asking if I would be interested in seeing the Scrabble board that she incorporated into her concrete patio. Hmmm…YES!! I was immediately interested. I adore word games and play Word Warp incessantly, even with children. Scrabble is similar, in that ...

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How to Make Fancy Cornice Boards

So overdue with this post, but between my lack of photographic ability, my inability to find my camera (!!!), my little imps requiring my attention, my suspicion that my imps may have had something to do with the loss of the camera and life in general, it has been a difficult post! If you remember, I created these cornices for my daughter’s room: It’s an easy do it yourself project that I ...

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