
Today’s Tasteful Take on a Historic House

Historical renovation is something I am passionate about because of my love for the architectural features. In my “About Me” section. I referenced almost buying a beautiful, historic house named Elway Hall, but it was just too far away from my office and I would have spent a minimum of 3 hours in the car a day. Two interior designers ended up buying the house that I had to begrudgingly ...

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Designer Rooms: A Peach Dining Room and a Tiffany Blue Boudoir

Good news and bad news. Good news is I have a new favorite paint color: a pinkish peach. It is delish. The bad news? I was looking for a cool color! I realized I have a lot of warm colors in our house, so I think I need to change a room or two on our first floor. I managed to design this room with the money I earned playing ...

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DIY Baby Sleeping Sign

My older brother, the City Mouse, and his wife had a baby two months ago, which they yearned for – they had been trying for many, many years …with many, many bumps along the way So it was truly glorious that this pregnancy went to term. In addition to some presents, I wanted them to have something from me that wasn’t bought or manufactured, so I set out to ...

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How To Make a Child-Size Table

With two little ones, the need for a child’s table was needed for many reasons, but came in handy for more occasions than I imagined when I made it…   It was a tea party’s table’s table for my toddler, keeping her occupied while I cleaned and vacuumed. She frequently opted for a more casual attire of cat ears and footie pajamas despite a rack of dressier clothes behind her 🙂   It periodically got ...

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How to Make a Baby Sleeping Sign

My older brother, the City Mouse, had a baby two months ago and I wanted to give him something that I made (along with some other gifts) because this would not be something in his realm. I decided to make him a “Baby Sleeping” sign for the nursery: (I realized I forgot to paint the comma after I took the pics, so I added that after!) And not wanting to miss a ...

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